Cookies Policy

A cookie is described as a small piece of information that comes on when you log on to websites. When we refer to “cookies” we include other technologies with similar purposes.

When you first visit our website, we ask for your consent to our use of cookies. The use of cookies is to collect information, such as pages viewed and your journey around Grace
Fellowship Ministries website. We do not use cookies to collect or record information on your name, address, or other contact details.

You have the right to disable cookies by changing your website browser settings to reject them. The process of doing this depends on the browser that you use. To find out more
about how to manage cookies on your device, kindly visit at

When someone visits we use a third-party service such as Google Analytics, to collect standard internet log information and details of
visitor behaviour patterns. This helps us establish the number of visitors on our website, which pages are most used, what information visitors are searching for when they find our
site, and what other websites are referring visitors to

This information is processed anonymously and no visitor’s identity is used. Grace Fellowship Ministries do not collect demographic (age, gender, etc.) or interest data through Google Analytics. Neither do we use data for remarketing or advertising reporting purposes. User and event data (a visit to the site and what happens during the session) is retained for 14 months to enable us to report annually on our website analytics and automatically deleted thereafter.

If you do not want us to collect information about your visit to our website using Google Analytics you can opt-out of the Analytics service by installing an add-on for your browser.

This can be found at